Official home of Drive @ UCR - A University Car Clubs affiliate

Drive@UCR was founded in 2009 and is a UCR Sanctioned, student organization dedicated to spreading the rich automotive culture of Southern California through meets, get-togethers, shows, and seminars. We are comprised of a variety of different members from different backgrounds and drive different cars. From imports to domestics, lowriders to off-roaders, racers to those that just like to drive around. Drive@UCR aims to bring together those with a common interest in Automobiles and provide an atmosphere to promote discussion and a good time for newcomers, casual enthusiasts and die-hard gearheads.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Officers for 2011-2012!!

I am pleased to announce the results of the 2011-2012 Drive@UCR Officer Elections!  Congratulations to all the candidates for a well fought and positive campaign!  The following officers will be trained over the coming weeks to take full office after the last meet of the 2010-2011 School Year.  

President: Hohyung Lee with a 64.7% majority
Vice President: Johnson Wong with a 94.1% majority
Treasurer: Johnson Nguyen with a 58.8% majority
PR/Events Coordinator: Marcus Wong with a 70.6% majority

Congratulations again to all who applied!